Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is one of the long-lasting skin disorders. Skin cells multiply at a very fast rate (up to 10 times) than normal. The underlying cells on the skin’s surface die and as their sheer volume increases, it causes raised red plaques covered with white scales.
Psoriasis is of many kinds and generally occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp. It may also affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet. The most common symptoms are:
- Plaques of red skin that may cause itching and are painful.
- Disorders of the fingernails and toenails. It may also be followed by discoloration of the nails.
- Plaques of scales or crust on the scalp
Here are some facts and fiction that you should be aware of regarding Psoriasis Treatment.
Fiction: Psoriasis is simply a skin or cosmetic condition
Fact: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder
This condition does not only affect your skin but can have an inflammatory effect on the whole body. It is linked to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, and stroke. People with severe psoriasis may suffer from psoriatic arthritis as well, which is a painful and disabling form of arthritis.
It is also seen that people with psoriasis have a deep effect on their mental health. They are more prone to having depression and anxiety.
Fiction: Psoriasis is contagious
Fact: It is generally a genetic problem
This is one of the most widely spread misconceptions among people. Psoriasis, in no way, is contagious as there are no bacteria or virus involved. Many develop it because of inherited genes and that is the reason psoriasis is seen running in families.
Fiction: Psoriasis is rare
Fact: Study by National Psoriasis Foundation shows that at least 7.5 million people in the United States suffer from it.
The major problem related to this skin disorder is that many people who suffer from it do not seek treatment at earlier stages because of mild symptoms.
Fiction: This condition is temporary
Fact: It is known to be a lifelong chronic condition
A study has shown that Psoriasis is a chronic condition that continues for a lifetime in cycles. Therefore, if your skin is clear, it is possibly only for a small period of time and the plaques will re-appear soon.
Fiction: There is a cure for psoriasis
Fact: There are possible treatments
Unfortunately, no cure has been found for this skin disorder. However, there are many forms of treatments that a patient can be subjected to, which can help in lessening the condition. Some of the treatments are as follows:
- Salicylic acid, Steroid cream, Calcipotriene.
- Coal Tar and shampoos
- Retinoid
- Sunlight and phototherapy
- Stress relief strategies
Fiction: If psoriasis treatment does not show results immediately, try something new
Fact: Various treatments often take time to show results
Treatments related to skin disorders often take the time to show effective results. Therefore, you need to stay patient for the treatment to show its results. It may take few weeks to a month for results to be seen.
The best that a person can do is to see the dermatologist the moment they start seeing any symptoms related to psoriasis. This way they may be able to prevent the condition from reaching to a chronic stage.